Are Body Mass Index (BMI) Charts Effective Enough?
This original article was written by Rajeev Kumar
The most common method of measuring ideal weight is the height and weight chart. “Ideal weights” from height-weight charts do not take body fat into account; therefore, they cannot accurately recommend how much you should weigh.
The primary objective to measure body fat percentage is so you can distinguish between fat and muscle, which the ideal weight and BMI calculator does not. Average percentage body fat varies among the sexes and among different age groups. The female hormone estrogen causes women to have about 5% more body fat than men. The average woman has about 23% body fat and the average man approximately 17%. In both sexes, body fat increases with age while lean body mass decreases. The following are the techniques widely used for determination of body fat percentage.
Underwater Weighing (Hydrostatic)
Underwater Weighing has consistently been considered the best for measuring the body fat percentage in comparison with other measurement techniques. The basis for hydrostatic weighing is the fact that fat floats and muscle sinks.
Bio- Electric Impedance Analysis
Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA) is a modern scientific instrument that measures body fat percentage by testing the electrical resistance of your body’s cells to a flow a small harmless electrical signal. Research shows that BIA is a fairly accurate and valid measure of body fat percentage.
Near Infrared Interactance
Near Infrared Interactance (NIR) uses the principle of light absorption and reflection to determine body fat percentage.
Skin fold Measurement
Skin fold testing is based on the fact that you store most of your body fat directly beneath your skin. A skilled tester can produce a body fat measurement with accuracy very close to underwater weighing, which is considered to be standard of body composition testing.
Other Methods
There are many other techniques used to determine body fat percentage, including Total Body Potassium, Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA), Total Body Electrical Conductivity (TOBEC), Whole-Body Air-Displacement Plethysmography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT scan). Now you came to know the importance of body fat versus body weight and you understand that height and weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) charts are worthless.
The Body Fat Percentage Range of Athletes and Much More
Knowing your body fat percentage is very important for several reasons. The average body fat percentage is a little different between males and females because the hormone estrogen causes women to carry about 5% more body fat than men. Men have about 17% of body fat and females 23%. Your body fat also increases and lean body mass decreases when you get older. Having an average body fat level would not be ideal at all.
Here are a few example of athletes and their body fat: Typical average body fat for athletes male female
1. Distance runners 5-10% 10-16%
2. Elite marathon runners 3-5% 9-12%
3. Sprinters 5-12% 12-18%
4. Jumpers & hurdlers 6-13% 12-20%
5. Olympic gymnasts 5-8% 11-14%
6. Bodybuilders, contest condition 3-5% 8-12%
7. Bodybuilders, off season 6-12% 13-18%
8. Soccer players 7-12% 10-18%
9. Baseball/softball players 10-14% 12-18%
10. Pro basketball players 7-12% 10-16%
So having too much body fat is obviously bad for your health. Men are considered borderline at 25% body fat and clinically obese at 30%, while women are borderline at 30% and clinically obese at 35% body fat.
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